The St. Francis House Advocacy & Referral Center provides walk-in comprehensive housing-focused services and programs for the homeless and those at-risk of being homeless who are not part of our residential program.
This convenient one-stop center is ready to assist with food, clothing, showers, laundry services, hygiene items, access to computers, OTC medications and assistance with Social Security, food stamps and disability applications as well as referrals to other agencies who provide specialized services.
Close to jobs and accessible by bike or Sunshine bus, the Center is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and staffed with dedicated professionals trained to assist those in crisis.
As part of our Advocacy & Referral services, St. Francis provides a lunch meal for anyone who is hungry each Wednesday from 12 noon to 2 pm for qualified St. Johns County residents.
The St. Francis Advocacy & Referral Center provides an opportunity for staff to engage with those facing homelessness and provide the assistance and support needed to escape homelessness.
For more information on the services we provide contact us at 904-829-8937.