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Chef’s Night Out Application
Bring a prepared meal, have it catered or bring the ingredients and cook it in our kitchen!
St Francis House serves over 59,000 meals a year. Chef’s Night Out (CNO) is a nice opportunity for your family, club, church group or organization to provide a meal and help those who are hungry and in need. Thank you for volunteering your time.
Dinner is served at 5:30 p.m. If you will be utilizing our kitchen to prepare the meal, we ask that you arrive at 4:00 p.m., but no later than 4:30 p.m. If you are bringing a prepared meal, we ask that you arrive at 4:30 p.m., but no later than 5:00 p.m. Your group has the option to stay and serve or deliver the prepared meal early in the day. Be prepared to serve 35-40 residents. Our chef will be available to help your group.
Everyone in the group is required to wear a cap or pull back their hair. Closed-toed shoes are also required if working in the kitchen.
Individuals under 15 may help serve prepared meals with adult supervision but cannot prepare meals on site in the kitchen.
Individuals 15 and older can prepare meals on site in the kitchen and help serve the meals.
There must be one adult supervisor per four (4) youth, regardless of age.
Everyone under 18 must have a parent/guardian sign the Volunteer Agreement.
Due to space constraints, we recommend your group be no larger than 10.
The Contact Person for the group should complete the Application and sign the attached St. Francis House Volunteer Agreement for the group. Before you participate in CNO, we need the completed Application and Agreement on file.